One Pot Pork Adobo Rice │ Rice Cooker Adobo Rice

One Pot Pork Adobo Rice │ Rice Cooker Adobo Rice

One Pork Adobo Rice Cooked in Rice Cooker


1 kilo pork belly, adobo cut
6 to 7 cups rice, washed
1 head garlic, crushed
2 medium size onions, chopped
1 small packet banana blossoms
1 thumb size ginger, sliced
1/2 tbsp. crushed black pepper
2-3 small bay leaves
1 star anise optional
1 small cinnamon bark optional
1/3 tbsp. paprika optional
1/3 cup soy sauce
1/3 cup vinegar
1/3 cup oyster sauce
1/2 tbsp. salt or according to taste
1-2 tbsp. raw sugar or according to taste
1/3 cup cooking oil
spring onions, chopped


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