CHICKEN TINOLA with SOTANGHON and AMPALAYA │ How to Cook Ilocano Chicken Tinola

CHICKEN TINOLA with SOTANGHON and AMPALAYA │ How to Cook Ilocano Chicken Tinola

Tinolang Manok sa Ampalaya is an Ilokano version of chicken in ginger soup. This recipe was based from the original recipe of Overseas Pinoy Cooking Ingredients: 1/2 kilo chicken, cut into serving pieces, bone in 150 grams sotanghon noodles, quickly soaked with water, rinsed 1 medium size ampalaya, deseeded, cut into slices 2-3 thumb size ginger, cut into strips 1/2 head garlic, chopped 1 medium size onion, sliced 3-5 pcs. siling haba, or any green sili 1 bunch sili leaves 1 bowl, malungay leaves 1 tsp. peppercorns 1/3 cup fish sauce lemongrass sugar salt cooking oil


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