Pork Sarciado, Sarciadong Baboy, Kinamatisang Baboy

Pork Sarciado, Sarciadong Baboy, Kinamatisang Baboy

 “To most Pinoy sarciado refers to a fried fish, usually leftover fish, recycled by cooking it with a lot of tomatoes and sometimes with scrambled eggs… 

I myself did not know that meat can also be cooked as sarciado until one colleague has cooked a dinner for us, in fact it was one of the few dishes that he can cook because it is so simple that he just throw everything in the sauce pan and simmer it until tender, which he call it kinamatisang baboy.”


1 kilo pork spareribs or any pork meat, pre-boil, reserve broth
3 medium size potatoes, cut into wedges
3 small size carrots, cut into wedges
1 medium size bell pepper, cut into strips, optional
6 pieces medium size tomato, quartered
1/2 head garlic, chopped
2 medium size onions, sliced
3/4 cup green peas
1 tbsp. paprika
2-3 pieces bay leaf
1-2 tbsp. parsley flakes 
1/2-1 tbsp. coarsely ground peppercorns
1/2 cup fish sauce
1/4 cup soy sauce, optional
1 tbsp. tomato paste, optional
salt to taste
sugar, optional
cooking oil


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