Chicken Igado, Ilocano Igado recipe

Chicken Igado, Ilocano Igado recipe

This Chicken Igado recipe is and original recipe from Overseas Pinoy Cooking

“Some of OPC’s readers are asking if igado can be cooked using chicken instead of the usual pork. Today I tried to cook igado using chicken gizzard, liver, hearth and breast, the result was a great my chicken igado was comparable to the pork igado version.

To those who have been asking for a chicken version of igado here it is, the recipe of my Chiken Igado.”


3/4 kilo chicken breast, sliced or cut into strips
1/2 kilo chicken gizzard, boiled until tender, sliced into strips
1/2 kilo chicken liver and hearth, liver sliced, heart butterflied
3/4 cup canned chickpeas, garbanzos
3/4 cup cooked frozen green peas
1/2-2/3 cup cane vinegar
1/2 cup soy sauce
1/2 cup fish sauce
1/2 head garlic, chopped
2 medium size onion, chopped
2 medium size bell pepper, cut into strips
1 medium size carrot, cut into strips
3-4 pcs. bay leaf
1 tsp. crushed peppercorns
1pc. chicken cube
1-2 tsp. sugar
salt to taste
cooking oil


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