Kamias Pineapple Homemade Jam

Kamias Pineapple Homemade Jam

This KAMIAS PINEAPPLE HOMEMADE JAM recipe is another original from Overseas Pinoy Cooking.

This is in inspired from an old post from our Overseas Pinoy Cooking  website.

To make this level up version.

I have added regular canned pineapple slices in addition to the kamias fruit. I have thought that kamias and pinya will make a delicious jam.

I have followed the traditional method of extracting the juices from the kamias fruit. This is how we do it when I was younger in the province.

Roll the kamias to extract the sour juices.

Back then we used to roll the green kamias on top of our bamboo “papag” or long chair made up of bamboo. This way the juices just drop down the ground, the only thing was we used to soak the kamias with “apog” or lime powder. It’s supposed to make the kamias meat firmer. We are not doing that now.

I wanted to make my Kamias Pineapple Homemade Jam with a lighter color or hue, instead of the very dark brown color if muscovado sugar is to be use. Instead I used raw sugar. The sugar has to be melted with the water, in the sauce pan.

Mixing the dry sugar directly to the squeezed kamias  and directly cooking it on the pan will burn and caramelized or burn the sugar prematurely or straight away, resulting a dark brown color of the jam, even using white sugar if cooked this way the result  will still be dark colored jam.

Here is how I cooked it:


2 cups squeezed kamias
1 cup pineapple chunks, reserved the syrup
3 pineapple slices
1/2 cups raw sugar or white sugar

Prepare the kamias:

Wash kamias and trim the ends..
Using fork, prick each kamias at several locations.
Press roll each kamias against a bamboo stick trivet, to squeeze out juice. Then soak the partially squeezed kamias in water.
Hand-squeeze each the kamias, then press each kamias between hard surface.

Let the squeezed kamias to stand for 1/2 to 1 hour, to let the kamias render more juices.
After 1/2 to 1 hour, hand-squeeze the kamias off the rendered juices.

Mix the squeezed kamias and pineapple chunks together

To cook the Kamias Pineapple Homemade Jam:

Heat a medium size sauce pan. 
Add in 1 1/2 cups of water.  Add more water later on, if sauce pan cannot take more water.
Then add in the 1 cup pineapple syrup.
Now add in 2 1/2 cups of raw or white sugar.

Sugar should be initially dissolved in water to avoid the sugar from (over) caramelizing which results very dark brown jam. 

Now add in the mixed squeezed kamias and pineapple chunks.
Then add in the 3 pineapple slices on top.
Occasionally keep stirring, but do not stir the pineapple slices, keep the slices undisturbed.
Cover and cook for about 45minutes to 1 hour, occasionally stirring to avoid burning.
Add more water if it starts dry out, add 1 1/2 cup of water and continue to cook.

Turn off the heat when the sauce/jam consistency has turned to slightly thick sauce, it will become thicker once cooled down.

Transfer Kamias Pineapple Jam in a sterilized bottles

Serve with hot toasted pandesal.


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