Labong, Saluyot at Sitaw, Lutong Ilocano

Labong, Saluyot at Sitaw, Lutong Ilocano

I bought a whole bamboo shoot from the market the other day.

I intentionally bought the whole bamboo shoot to show how to prepare, cut, slice and boil a bamboo shoot, Overseas Pinoy Cooking method.

Our recipe video for today is and Ilocano classic, Labong, Saluyot at Sitaw, with generous quantity of beef slices and flavored with sampalok.

To most Ilocano labong, saluyot and sitaw are a perfect combination for a delicious viand or dish.

Please do visit Overseas Pinoy Cooking website to check out other similar recipe and labong dishes.

Labong, Saluyot at Sitaw, Lutong Ilocano


1 small to medium sized bamboo shoot, peeled, trimmed, cut into thin slices and strips. Use only the soft and crunchy parts, discard all hard a fibrous parts.

Thoroughly wash the bamboo shoot slices and strips, boil in plenty of water for 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Let the boiled bamboo cooldown, drain and discard boiling water. Wash and rinse (2X) the bamboo shoot slices and strips, drain using a sieve. On the second wash, squeeze out all the liquid on the bamboo shoot slices and strips. Keep aside.

2 large bundle saluyot, tops and fresh leaves, discard stems and spoiled leaves. Keep aside.

Using the same pot in boiling the bamboo shoot slices and strips, heat about 3 to 4 tbsp. cooking oil. Stir in chopped garlic, 1/2 head. Stirfry until fragrant.Stir if the fat trimming from the beef slices, stir cook until the fats turn to oil.Stir in the chopped onions, 2 medium sized onions. Stir cook for about 1 minute. Then stir in the chopped tomatoes, 3 medium sized tomatoes. Stir cook for about 1 minute.

Now add in the beef slices, 250 to 500 grams.Add in the fish sauce, about 1/3-1/2 cup. Continue to stir fry for 3 to 5 minutes.Add 3-4 cups of hot water, cover and cook for about 8 to 10 minutes.

Now add in the boiled bamboo shoot slices and strips.Add more hot water as necessary. Cover and continue to cook for another 3 to 5 minutes.

Now add in the string beans, continue to cook for another 3 to 5 minutes.Season with salt to taste, add in about 1/3 cup sampalok sinigang mix, add half quantity at a time, until desired saltiness and sourness.

Now add in the saluyot tops and leaves. Cover and continue to cook for about 5 to 8 minutes.

When the saluyot and all other vegetables are cooked, removed from heat. Serve hot.


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