Ukoy na Alamang

Ukoy na Alamang
Ukoy na Alamang. I found some fresh alamang at Filinvest South Supermarket the other day, what else you can make out of fresh alamang? Straight away I wanted to cook it as ukoyThere are a lot of ways to make ukoy, in fact I do not think that there are any exact ingredients and measurements of quantities on every recipe. Ingredients and quantities defend on what are available at the time of cooking. Measurements of quantities of ingredients are usually by estimates based on cooking experience. 

Ukoy na Alamang - Recipe

Definitely newbie cooks need the recipe, but do understand the most Pinoy food recipes are only guides. A little variation on the recipe would not make any major changes just make sure that it is seasoned correctly.

Here is the recipe of my Ukoy na Alamang.


1/2 kilo fresh alamang
1 medium sized carrot, skinned, roughly grated
1 small bundle spring onion, chopped
1 small onion, sliced
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
3 eggs, beaten
salt and pepper
cooking oil

Cooking procedure:

Ukoy na Alamang - Cooking Procedure

In a bowl mix the flour and baking powder, add dash of salt and pepper to taste. Blend in the beaten egg and 1 1/2 cup of water until a smooth batter is produced. Add in the alamang, carrots and spring onion, mix thoroughly. Heat about 2 to 3 cups of oil in a wok. Using a soup ladle scoop about 1/3 cup of the shrimp batter mixture and pour in circular motion into the heated oil. Fry one scoop at a time flip once the bottom turns to golden brown. Fry until crispy and golden brown. Remove from wok and drain on a paper towels. Serve with vinegar, crushed garlic and onion dip.


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