Tugi Tuge

Tugi, Tuge
Tugi, Tuge. During one of my recent trip to Mahogany Market up in Tagaytay City, I unexpectedly found a stall on the fruit and vegetable section of the market selling Tugi. It was unexpected for the reason that Tugi is a root crop usually found in Northern Luzon or the Ilocos Region.


What is Tugi or Tuge ? Tugi is a root tuber from vine plant with heart-shaped leaves. The root tuber is similar in size to a long kamote with thin plastic like skin. The skin is sometimes covered with small root hairs. Tugi are usually boiled like kamote or cooked with vegetables, like the Ilocano Buridibud.

When boiled the meat texture varies from starchy, if overcooked and nutty like chestnut when cooked correctly.


Delicious boiled Tugi are popular merienda similar to boiled kamote and kamoteng kahoy in the Ilocos. Boiled Tugi are also made as “Lubi-lubi” the Ilocano version of “Nilupak”.


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