Sinigang na Lechon

Sinigang na Lechon
Sinigang na Lechon. Pork lechon is a Pinoy style pit roasted pig usually served in major community or family celebrations. I will not talk about the lechon on this post that is reserved for another time, instead I will be sharing an alternative lechon leftover dish. Of course every Pinoy who loves lechon knows that lechon leftovers are cooked as Lechon Paksiw. But today I would like to share a more enjoyable leftover lechon soup dish that I am sure most Pinoy would agree with me, Sinigang na Pork Lechon

Lechon Sinigang

Lechon leftovers parts, are the ribs, bones, feet, knuckles and the head. As enumerated these parts are generally the bones where most of the flavors are located, therefore it is more logical to extract all those flavors and what would be a better way than boiling and simmering the leftover lechon bones to make a delicious sourly broth dish, Sinigang na Pork Lechon.

Cooking is basically similar with your cooking method of any meat sinigang, here is the recipe of my version of Sinigang na Lechon.

1 kilo pork lechon leftover, cut into serving pieces
1 small bundle kangkong, trimmed, separate the leaves and stalk
1 medium size labanos, skinned, sliced diagonally
2 medium size eggplant, trimmed, sliced diagonally
1 small bundle string beans, cut into 2” length
1 small bundle winged beans, cut diagonally
1 small bundle okra, cut crosswise
2 medium size tomato, quartered
3 medium size taro root, diced
1 medium size onion, quartered
1 thumb size ginger, crushed
3-4 pcs. green long chili
2-3 tbsp. tamarind sinigang mix

Cooking procedure:

Sinigang na Lechon - Cooking Procedure

Place the pork lechon leftover in a large pot and add in water to about 2 inches above the meat. Bring to a boil and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes. Scope out all scum that rises to the surface. Add taro root, onion, tomato and simmer another 5 to 10 minutes. Add in the sinigang mix in half quantities at a time until the correct sourness is achieved, continue to simmer for 3 to 5 minutes. Season with salt to taste. Add in the vegetables except the leaves and continue to cook for 2 to 3 minutes. Then add in the kangkong leaves and green long chili. Cook for another 2 to 3 minutes or until the vegetables are cooked. Serve hot with a dipping sauce of patis, kalamansi and siling labuyo.

See other Meat Sinigang recipes;


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