Pinoy Burger Steak with Onions and Oyster Sauce

Pinoy Burger Steak with Onions and Oyster Sauce
Pinoy Burger Steak with Onions and Oyster Sauce. Here is my take of burger steak with onions and oyster sauce. First of all find a good beef burger. Panfry the beef burgers with using just some oil, just enough to keep the burger from not sticking to the pan. Cover the frying pan to evenly cook the burger steak. Now using the same pan, fry some onion rings. Now simmer the fried onion and the pan fried burger steak with some oyster sauce. That how I made my version of Pinoy Burger Steak with Onions and Oyster Sauce.

I seems easy? Yes it just need few ingredients and no complicated cooking method. The use of oyster sauce make it a never go wrong dish. My Pinoy Burger Steak with Onions and Oyster Sauce is of course best serve with rice.

Pinoy Burger Steak

I did have already mentioned above how to make my Pinoy Burger Steak with Onions and Oyster Sauce but if you still need a more detailed recipe here it is.


3-4 large size beef burger
2 white onions, peeled, cut into rings
1/2 cup oyster sauce
1/4 cup cornstarch
salt and pepper
cooking oil.

Cooking procedure:

In a nonstick frying pan heat about 1 tbsp. of cooking oil until it start to smoke. Fry the burger steak in batches with the pan lid on for 2 to 3 minutes each side at moderate heat. Keep aside. Using the same pan stir fry the onion rings for 10 to 15 minutes or until wilted. Dash the cornstarch over the onions and continue to stir fry for 3 to 5 minutes or until it start to dry up. Add in the pan fried burger, the oyster sauce and about 1/2 to 2/3 cup of water. Simmer for 2 to 3 minutes, flipping the burgers a couple of times. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve with some rice.


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