Pinatolang Pork Pata

Pinatolang Pork Pata
Pinatolang Pork Pata is my pork version of Pinatolang Baka and Pinatolang Bulalo. To my regular readers most likely that you already know that patola is one of my favorite Pinoy vegetable that I used on a lot of my soup dishes. Pinatolang Pork Pata is our new and latest soup dish using patola, this is the first time that I cooked pork pata with patola.

Pinatolang Pata ng Baboy

To make the dish as healthy as possible I used pork shank without the skin and most of the pork fats trimmed out. Of course my Pinatolang Pork Pata works out yummy even without the usual pata skin, and even with simple ingredients similar to most of nilaga dishes. Now if you really like the full flavor of a regular similar to a Nilagang Pata go ahead and use a regular pork pata with skin on complete with pork knuckle and feet. Cooking should be similar.

Pinatolang Pata

Here is the recipe of my Pinatolang Pork Pata.


1 medium size pork pata, pork shank, skin removed and fats trimmed, cut in 2 pieces
2-4 large size patola, skinned, cut into circles/crosswise
1 tsp peppercorn
2 medium size onion, quartered

Cooking procedure:

Place the pork shank, the ginger, onion and peppercorns in a large pot and add in water to about 2 inches above the meat. Bring to a boil and simmer for 1 1/2 to 2 hours or until tender, add more water as necessary. Scope out all scum that rises to the surface. Season with salt to taste. Add in the patola and continue to cook for 1 to 2 minutes or until the vegetables are cooked. Serve hot with a dipping sauce of patis, kalamansi and siling labuyo.

Lauya nga Luppo ti Baboy, Nilagang Pata ng Baboy Recipe


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