Minatamis na Saging with Sago

Minatamis na Saging with Sago
Minatamis na Saging with Sago. Is there a heatwave in Manila? In the last few days the temperature in some parts of Manila has reached the 40deg C mark. What would be a better time to enjoy a cooling and refreshing Minatamis na Saging with Sago.

Minatamis na Saging

Minatamis na Saging is fairly easy make, but getting it to level up by adding sago to our Minatamis na Saging is a little bit troublesome for the reason that cooking sago till the white spot at the middle involves a lot of time, but once done all that is needed is mix in the sago and Minatamis na Saging, get the mixture chilled and you have a very refreshing dessert or merienda to ease up the scorching summer heat.

Here is the recipe of my version of Minatamis na Saging with Sago.


Colored Sago Pearl

8 -12 pcs. ripe plantain banana, saba variety, peeled
1 1/2-2 cups brown sugar
1/2 tsp. buko pandan essence
1 cup sago, cooked as per package instructions

Cooking procedure:

Trim and cut the peeled banana into 3 to 4 diagonal slices. Arrange the sliced banana in a sauce pan. Add the brown sugar and fill with water till it fully covers the bananas, about an inch above. Bring to a boil and simmer at low to moderate heat for 25 to 30 minutes or until the bananas are cooked and the syrup is reduced to half. Add in the buko pandan essence during the final 3 to 5 minutes of cooking. Transfer the cooked banana including the syrup in a large bowl with lid, then mixed in the cooked sago. Let cool and chill in the refrigerator before serving.


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