Igado with Pineapple and Mushroom

Igado with Pineapple and Mushroom
Igado with Pineapple and Mushroom. I made a level-up version on one of my favorite Ilokano food, the Igado. In addition to the usual ingredients, I added some canned mushroom and canned pineapple to the recipe.  I could not think of what to call or any special name of my tweaked Igado, I simply just called it Igado with Pineapple and Mushroom.

Igado with Pineapple and Mushroom Recipe

The pineapple and mushroom added extra layer of flavors to the already rich in flavor Igado. I am not writing any Igado write-ups on this Igado with Pineapple and Mushroom post.

I have written a lot of Igado information on my previous Igado post, just click the link below should you want more information on our Igado dish.

Igado with Pineapple and Mushroom
Igado the Day After
Igado with Isaw
Igado with Olives
Beef Igado
Chicken Igado
Dinaldalem, Pork Liver in Vinegar and Soy Sauce

Pork Igado Traditional Version, Classic Ilocano Igado

Chicken Igado, Ilocano Igado recipe

Below is the recipe of my must try Igado with Pineapple and Mushroom.


1 kilo pork, slice thinly
1/2 kilo pork liver, slice thinly, rinsed, marinate in 1/4 cup vinegar
1 medium size onion, peeled, chopped
1/2 head garlic, peeled, chopped
1 cup cooked chick peas
1 cup cooked green peas
1 small can pineapple tidbits, reserve syrup
1 large can whole button mushroom, drained, cut in halves
1 medium size green or red bell pepper, trimmed, cut into strips
1/2 cup vinegar
1/4 cup soy sauce
2 tbsp. crushed peppercorns
3-5 pcs. bayleaf

Cooking procedure:

Igado with Pineapple and Mushroom - Cooking Procedure

In a sauce pan, sauté garlic and onions until fragrant. Add in the pork, soy sauce and stir cook until for 1 to 1/2 minutes. Add in the vinegar, pineapple syrup, lower heat and cook uncovered for 3 to 5 minutes. Add about 2 cups of water, the peppercorns and the bay leaf, bring to a boil and simmer for 20 to 30 minutes or until the pork is tender. Then add in the liver, the mushroom and cook for another 5 to 10 minutes or until the liquid is reduced to an oily sauce and almost dry. Season with salt and sugar to taste. Add in the chick peas, green peas and bell pepper cook for another minute. Serve with a lot of rice.


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