Fish Steak Sarciado, Sarciadong Isda

Fish Steak Sarciado, Sarciadong Isda.
Fish Steak Sarciado, Sarciadong Isda. I needed a quick to cook meal, after a day’s hard work, all I had on the fridge are some tanguige steak slices and some tomatoes and onion. I do not have time to cook a cumbersome meal, I end up with today’s dish Fish Steak Sarciado, Sarciadong Isda.

Fish Steak Sarciado

All did was pan fry the tanguigue steaks seasoned with salt and pepper then stir fry some tomatoes and onion until wilted, season with dash of salt to taste, then cooked them together and I had a wonderful simple fish dish meal, Fish Steak Sarciado, Sarciadong Isda.

Here the recipe of my Fish Steak Sarciado, Sarciadong Isda.


2-3 tanguige steaks
3 medium size tomato, chopped
1 medium size onion, peeled, chopped
salt and pepper
cooking oil

Cooking procedure:

Tanguige Steaks

Fish Steak Sarciado, Sarciadong Isda - Cooking Procedure

Sprinkle the tanguige steaks with salt and pepper on both sides, keep aside. In a frying pan heat generous amount of cooking oil. Pan fry the tanguige steaks for about 3 to 5 minute on each sides, keep aside. Using the same frying pan, stir fry the tomato and onion for a minute, add in about 1/3 cup of water let simmer for 2 to 3 minutes or until the tomato and onion are wilted. Now add in the tanguige steaks making sure that all side are covered with the tomato and onion sauce. Let simmer for a couple of minutes at low heat. Serve with a lot of rice.


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