Buridibud a Parda ken Malaga

Buridibud a Parda ken Malaga
Buridibud a Parda ken Malaga. Buridibud is an Ilocano vegetable dish. It is made up of combination of native vegetables cooked with kamote or sweet potato and flavored with bagoong na isda. Buridibud is usually topped with grilled or fried fish. The pungent aroma of the bagoong na isda compliments the flavours of fresh vegetables and the sweetness and texture of the kamote

Buridibud a Parda ken Malaga - Recipe

The vegetables combinations may be made up of whatever native Ilocano vegetables that are in season or whatever available at the time of cooking. Check out some of the buridibud and other Ilocano vegetable deish that we have in the archives, just click the link list below.

My Buridibud a Parda ken Malaga is made up of parda or bataw in Tagalog and tabungao or upo in tagalog, the buridibud vegetables pair are cooked with the  must have ingredient, the bagoong na isda. The dish is then topped with fried malaga or samaral in Tagalog.

Here is how I cooked my Buridibud a Parda ken Malaga.

Parda or Bataw

1 medium size malaga, samara, fried
1 bunch parda, bataw, trimmed
1 small size upo, peeled, sliced into thin triangles
2 small size kamote, peeled, diced
1/4 cup bagoong na isda
2 medium size tomato chopped
1 small size inion chopped

Cooking Procedure:

Buridibud a Parda ken Malaga - Cooking Procedure

Dilute the bagoong na isda in 3 to 4 cups of water. Strain in a sheave and pour the solution in a medium size sauce pan. Bring to boil and simmer for 2 to 3 minutes. Remove all scam that rises. Add in the diced kamote and simmer for another 6 to 10 minutes or until it start to disintegrate. Add the onion tomato and upo. Continue to cook for 3 to 5 minutes. Correct saltines if required. Now add in the parda and cook for another 2 to 3 minutes. Top with the fried malaga and keep covered for a minute. Serve hot with a lot of rice.


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