Chicken Bopis

Chicken Bopis
Chicken Bopis. To Overseas Pinoys who are lovers of bopis and have for some time craving the dish but cannot cook one because the pork or beef internal organs for some reasons are not available in your locations, I would like to share a chicken version instead. Otherwise try my vegetarian version Vegeterian Bopis.


Occasionally on some supermarkets here in Australia chicken innards are available, and I am sure it may be available elsewhere specialty where there is a large community of Asian or Filipino in particular. For the chicken innards ingredients of my version of Chicken Bopis, I used the hearth, gizzard and liver. Similar to my pork bopis recipes the chicken innards has to be parboiled before chopping to small cubes. Just remember that the gizzards will take longer to cook.

Chicken Bopis and Mango Beer

Here is the recipe of my version of Chicken Bopis, bring out the beer! the mango beer?


1/2 kilo chicken hearth, parboiled, diced, finely
1/2 kilo chicken gizzard, parboiled, diced, finely
1/4 kilo chicken liver, parboiled, diced, finely
1 medium size labanos, skinned, diced finely
1 medium size carrot, skinned, diced finely
1 red bell pepper, deseeded, diced finely
1 green bell pepper, deseeded, diced finely
2-3 red long chili, sliced
2 tablespoon black pepper, coarsely ground
1/2 head garlic, peeled, crushed, chopped
1 medium size onion, peeled, chopped
1/4 cup atsuete / annatto in oil
2-3 pieces hot chili, chopped
1/4 cup soy sauce
3/4 cup vinegar
1/4 cup patis
3-4 pieces bay leaf
cooking oil

Cooking procedure:

Chicken Bopis, Cooking Procedure

In wok sauté garlic and onion till fragrant, Add in diced chicken hearth, liver and gizzard and stir cook for 3 to 5 minutes or until it start to sizzle. Add in vinegar and cook for 2 to 3 minutes now add in annatto oil, patis, soy sauce, bay leaf and black pepper, stir cook for another 2 to 3 minutes. Add in 3 cups of water and simmer for 3 to 5 minutes now add in carrots, labanos, and hot chili, simmer for another 3 to 5 minutes or until most of the liquid has evaporated. Correct saltines if required. Add in bell pepper and red long chilies, cook for a minute or two. Serve hot with a lot of rice.


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