Braised Pork Knuckles and Tofu with Black Beans

Braised Pork Knuckles and Tofu with Black Beans
Braised Pork Knuckles and Tofu with Black Beans. Pork leg knuckles are always a winner to most pork loving Pinoys. This pork is nothing to do with the pork barrel that we Pinoy want abolish. This pork is however sinfully delish.

Pork Pata and Tofu with Black Beans

Braised Pork Knuckles and Tofu with Black Beans is another OPC original dish that I would like to share. Tokwa or firm tofu goes best with braised meat dishes beside being healthy it is also good as meat extenders. I have been regularly using firm tofu on my recipes both as meat extender or as an healthy alternative to meat. For today’s Braised Pork Knuckles and Tofu with Black Beans, tufo is used or added because I thought it will best compliment the fatty fork leg. As expected the dish came out extremely delicious. Here is the recipe of my Braised Pork Knuckles and Tofu with Black Beans.

Braised Pork Pata and Tofu with Tausi


1 pork leg, knuckle, sliced/cut crosswise
1 piece big block tofu, sliced into thin rectangles, fried
1/2 cup tausi, salted black beans, drained and rinsed
1 head garlic, chopped
1/2 cup soy sauce
2 tbsp. Hoisin sauce
2 tbsp. Black bean sauce
2-3 pcs. star anise
1/2 tsp. cracked peppercorn
2-3 pcs. bay leaf
2-3 tbsp. brown sugar
1/4 cup cornstarch
4-6 hardboiled eggs

Cooking procedure:

Put in pork leg in a large saucepan, add water to cover, bring to a boil and simmer for a minute. Now drain first boiled water and rinse off all scum. Return cut pork leg in the saucepan add in fresh water to cover, add in garlic, soy sauce, cracked peppercorns, bay leaf and star anise. Bring to a boil and simmer at low to medium heat for 20 to 30 minutes, add more water as necessary. Add sugar, hoisin sauce and black bean sauce and fried tofu, simmer for another 25 to 30 minutes or until the meat is tender and the pork skin is soft like gelatin and the liquid is reduced to about half. Add in the boiled egg and black bean, cook for another minute. Thicken sauce with cornstarch diluted in 1/4 cup water. Season with salt to taste if required. Serve hot with a lot of rice.

See other related pork pata recipe;

Braised Pork Leg with Tausi
Pata with Coke, Pork Leg Braised with Coke
Pata Tim
Braised Pork Leg with Hoisin Sauce
Paksiw na Pata ng Baboy


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