Adobo with Chicken Liver and Hard Boiled Egg

Adobo with Chicken Liver and Hardboiled Egg
Adobo with Chicken Liver and Hard Boiled Egg. The addition of hard boiled egg to adobo recipe is not new, in fact I do have already several adobo recipe in the archive with hard boiled egg. The chicken liver and hard boiled egg adobo combinations are normally served on local carenderia or turo-turo restaurant. Besides being truly delicious it is also down to earth cheap. For today’s post the I just made chicken liver and hard boiled egg as additional ingredients to my regular pork and chicken adobo. Another twist that I made was the addition of stir-fried onion rings to the dish. The onion rings has added a deeper flavour to the tanginess of the dish.

Chicken Liver and Hard Boiled Egg Adobo

Here is the recipe of my Adobo with Chicken Liver and Hardboiled Egg.


1/2 kilo pork belly, cut into large cubes
1/2 kilo chicken thighs cut into large cubes
1/2 kilo chicken liver, cut in half
6-12 hard boiled eggs
2 large onions, peeled, cut into rings, stir-fried until translucent
1/2 head garlic, crushed
1/2 tbsp. peppercorns, crushed
2-3 bay leaf
3-5 pcs. dried red chili
1/2 cup white vinegar
1/2 cup soy sauce
1 tbsp. sugar
salt to taste

Cooking procedure:

Liver and Egg Adobo

In a large sauce pan place the pork, garlic, vinegar, soy sauce, peppercorns and bay leaf, add 1/2 to 1 cup of water, bring to a boil and simmer for 10 to 15 minutes. Add in the chicken and continue to simmer for 10 to 15 minutes and until the liquid is reduced to half. Correct saltines if required and add in the sugar. Add in the quail eggs and chicken liver on top, continue to simmer at low heat until most of the liquid has evaporated and has turn into an oily sauce. Now stir in the stir-fried onion rings and cook for another minute. Serve with a lot of rice.

Adobo with Chicken Liver and Hard Boiled Egg - Cooking Procedure

Other Chiken Adobo Recipes; 

Chicken Adobo, Adobong Ilocano 
Chicken Adobo, Food Safari Chef Ricky Ocampo's Recipe 
White Chicken Adobo, Adobong Puti 
Chicken Mushroom Adobo 
Chicken Humba 
Chicken Guya Adobo 
Chicken Feet Adobo with Tausi 
Special Mixed Adobo 
Adobong Atay at Balunbalunan ng Manok sa Pinya 
Chicken Adobo in Oyster Sauce 
Adobong Manok sa Gata, Chicken Adobo in Coconut Milk 
Pork and Chicken Adobo, Adobong Puti 
Chicken Gizzard and Liver Adobo 
Pork and Chicken Adobo with Tanglad 
Duck Breast Adobo, Adobong Pato

One Pot Classic Chicken Adobo with Atsuete


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