Sisig with Mayonnaise
Sisig with Mayonnaise . It is though that the original sisig was prepared by just boiling pigās ears, jowls and often times with liver. The pig brain is added to make it creamy. The broiling and grilling including the sizzling version is the product of evolution of the dish. Today mayonnaise is even used as alternative to the pig brains which is obviously not available commercially. During my long years working overseas grilling may not be possible due to limited resources or limited time, so we end up making sisig without the usual grilling. Never the less the dish still end up great provably because of all those extra mayonnaise. Here is the recipe of my Sisig with Mayonnaise, enjoy. Ingredients: 1/2 kilo pig ears and face 1 thumb size ginger, chopped finely 4 medium size onion, chopped finely 3-4 pcs. red/green chili sliced 1/4 cup vinegar 1 tbsp. peppercorn 3 pcs. bay leaf 1/2 -3/4 cup mayonnaise coarsely ground pepper salt Cooking procedure: In a b...