Pinoy Steamed Broiled Squid, Inihaw na Pusit

Pinoy Steamed Broiled Squid, Inihaw na Pusit
Pinoy Steamed Broiled Squid, Inihaw na Pusit. Broiled wrapped in aluminium foil is one of the popular Pinoy cooking method of fish we simply call it inihaw, see my previous inihaw na bangus post. Today I adopted this cooking method using squid. To make the dish I just wrapped all the whole cleaned squids with all the other ingredients in aluminium foil, seal the aluminium wrapping to trap the juices to steamed and cook the squids, do not bother stuffing the squids with the chopped onion and tomato, it will produce results as to stuffing.

Inihaw na Pusit

I just broil the package in open charcoal grill for 10 to 15 minutes and it’s done. Alternately it can be broiled inside the oven or using a hotplate. Here is thye recipe of my Pinoy Steamed Broiled Squid, Inihaw na Pusit.


1/2 kilo large size squid, clean and innards removed
1 large size onion, chopped
2 medium size tomato chopped
1/2 lemon or lime, sliced
1/2 lemon or lime, juice extracted
1 chili, chopped
1 thumb size ginger, cut into thin strips
2 tbsp. fish sauce
1 small bundle spring onion, copped

Cooking procedure:

Inihaw na Pusit - Cooking Procedure

Mix the squid and all the ingredients and wrap seal in aluminium foil, use at least two sheet/layers of aluminium foil. Broil the package in a charcoal grill for 10 to 15 minutes at low to moderate heat. To serve slice the squid and arrange in a platter with soy sauce, kalamansi and chili dip.


  1. hi, i don't have griller, pede ba sa pan na lng? then parang fry lng? favorite ko kasi squid :) thanks

  2. Puwede po sa pan or hot plate puwede rin sa electric stove set lang sa low to medium heat.


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