Bangus with Tausi, Milkfish with Salted Black Beans

Bangus with Tausi, Milkfish with Salted Black Beans
Bangus with Tausi, Milkfish with Salted Black Beans. This is one of the more popular Pinoy cooking method of milkfish. Fried slices of milkfish are cooked with ginger, onion, tomato and with fermented/salted black beans. Newly fried milkfish or left over fish can be used for this recipe.

Bangus with Tausi, Milkfish with Salted Black Beans Recipe

The black beans should be rinsed to rid of some of the saltines. Kinchay or Chinese parsley is normally use instead of spring onion. But I could not find kinchay today at my favourite supermarket so I have to settle for spring onion, if both are available both then use both. The bangus I used is frozen, I bought it from the Asian store near my place.

Bangus with Tausi, Milkfish with Salted Black Beans Dish

Here is the recipe of my version of Bangus with Tausi, Milkfish with Salted Black Beans.


1 medium size bangus, milkfish, sliced into 1” thick
2 thumb size ginger, cut into thin strips
3-3 clove garlic, chopped
2 medium size tomato, coarsely chopped
1 medium size onion, coarsely chopped
1/2 medium size bell pepper, cut into thin strips
1 small bundle spring onion, cut diagonally
3-4 tbsp. tausi, salted black beans, rinsed, roughly mashed
2-3 tbsp. of brine from the salted black beans
1 tsp. sugar (optional)
salt and pepper
cooking oil

Cooking procedure:

Bangus with Tausi - Cooking Procedure

Dust bangus slices with salt and pepper, keep aside. In a frying pan heat 2 to 3 tbsp. of cooking oil stir fry garlic and ginger until fragrant. Add in the salted black beans, sugar if using, onion and tomato and stir fry until the onion and tomato are wilted. Add in the brine from the salted black beans and about 3/4 cups of water and bring to a boil. Now add in the fried milkfish and simmer for 2 to 3 minutes. Correct saltines if required. Add in the bell pepper and spring onion, continue to simmer for another minute. Serve with a lot of rice.

See other bangus/milkfish recipe:


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