Adobong Choy Sum

Adobong Choy Sum
Adobong Choy Sum. Here’s another one of my simple cooking innovation, Chinese vegetables stir cooked adobo style. This is not the first time I did this dish, the last time I used bok choy which turn out really good. I am now starting to miss real Pinoy vegetables which are not available and nowhere to be found on this part of the world.

Adobong Choy Sum Recipe

I have been visiting daily the vegetable section of my favorite supermarket but all that is there are the eggplants. These make me innovative and try to cook Pinoy style other on other vegetables that are available. Cooking is basically the same with my previous vegetable adobo recipes.


Choy Sum

2 bundles baby choy sum, Chinese flowering cabbage, trimmed, cut to serving pieces
1/2 head garlic, crushed
1 small size onion, chopped
1/4 cup soy sauce
1/8 cup vinegar
1/2 tsp. crushed peppercorns
cooking oil

Cooking procedure:

Adobong Choy Sum - Cooking Procedure

In a wok, stir-fry garlic until it start to turn to golden brown, add onion and continue to stir fry until translucent. Pour 1/4 cup of water and add in pepper, soy sauce and vinegar. Bring to boil and simmer for 2 to 3 minutes without stirring. Add in the Chinese cabbage and simmer for another 2 to 3 minutes or until Chinese cabbage is cooked but firm. Serve hot.


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