Ginataang Puso ng Saging at Hipon

Ginataang Puso ng Saging at Hipon
Ginataang Puso ng Saging at Hipon. Here is another version of banana blossom cooked with coconut milk. This is basically the same with my previous recipe of Ginataang Puso ng Saging, except that this time in addition to the main banana blossom ingredient I also included generous amount of medium sized shrimps.

Ginataang Puso ng Saging at Hipon Recipe

For the coconut milk I used pure coconut milk. Pure coconut milk is available at Metro Manila wet markets, the coconut milk is extracted using an improvised device that presses the grated coconut milk to extract the coconut milk.

Ginataang Puso ng Saging at Hipon Dish

Sliced banana blossom is also available at Metro Manila wet markets however I normally buy my sliced banana blossom at supermarket, they are sold in most Metro Manila supermarkets. Here is the recipe Ginataang Puso ng Saging at Hipon.


1/2 kilo thinly sliced puso ng saging, banana blossom
1/2 kilo medium size shrimp, shelled
2 cup pure coconut milk
1 thumb size ginger, cut into strips
1/2 head garlic, chopped
1 medium size onion, chopped
3 tbsp. vinegar
1/4 cup fish sauce
3-4 pieces green chili
2-3 siling labuyo, chopped
1/2 tsp. crushed peppercorns
cooking oil

Cooking procedure:

Ginataang Puso ng Saging at Hipon - Cooking Procedure

In a sauce pan sauté garlic, ginger and onion until fragrant. Add in 1 1/2 cup of the coconut milk and 1/2 cup of water bring to a boil and simmer, stirring constantly to avoid curdling for 8 to 10 minutes. Add in the sliced banana blossoms, siling labuyo, crushed peppercorns, fish sauce, vinegar and continue to simmer for 10 to 15 minutes or until most of the liquid has evaporated at low to medium heat stirring occasionally. Add in the shrimp, green chili and remaining coconut milk. Cook for another 3 to 5 minutes, correct saltiness if required. Serve with a lot of rice.

See other Ginataang Crabs and Prawns recipes:

Ginataang Alimango with Malungay
Ginataang Alimasag at Malungay
Ginataang Alimasag with Labong
Ginataang Alimasag with Sotanghon
Ginataang Langka na may Alimasag
Ginataang Alimasag
Ginataang King Crabs, King Crabs in Coconut Milk
Ginataang Pitik, Slipper Lobsters
Ginataang Pitik with Spinach
Kinunot na Alimasag

Ginataang Hipon Tabang at Bulaklak ng Kalabasa
Ginataang Langka with Sugpo
Ginataang Sugpo at Kalabasa
Ginataang Sugpo at Kamias
Ginataang Hipon


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