T-Bone Steak with Mushroom Gravy, Pinoy Style

T-Bone Steak with Mushroom Gravy, Pinoy Style
T-Bone Steak with Mushroom Gravy, Pinoy Style. Most of us Pinoys want our dishes with sauce that goes with our rice. The steak is not an exemption, we like it serve with gravy. Today I will share to you how to make a steak with mushroom gravy. The gravy I made for my T-bone steak is different from the mushroom sauce that I have already featured in my Salisbury steak recipe or pork chop with mushroom sauce recipe which all used Campbell Mushroom Condense Soup. The gravy mix is similar to the gravy I used on my Kentucky fried chicken recipe. I used roux as a base for the gravy. The steak was pan broiled with generous amount of butter. The extra butter in pan broiling the steak is needed to extract some of the flavours from the steak. The T-bone steak which I used is about an inch in thickness it take about 5 minutes each side to broil at high heat, then I let it rest while I am cooking the mushroom gravy. Cooking time really depends on how you want your steak cooked and thickness, but don’t overcook steaks they dried up and turn hard. On the side I have mashed potato which goes well with the mushroom gravy, you can always have rice it goes well with the gravy also. For the vegies I just have asparagus which was also broiled with some butter, again any vegetables available is fine. Here is how I made my T-bone steak with mushroom gravy, enjoy.


T-Bone Steak

2 pcs. T-bone steak
100 grams, button mushroom, sliced
1 small size onion chopped
3-4 cloves garlic, chopped
2 tbsp. dried parsley flakes
1/2 cup milk
3 tbsp. sour cream
2 tbsp. flour
1/4 cup butter
coarsely ground peppercorns
cooking oil
mashed potato or rice
broiled vegetables

Cooking procedure:

Pan Broiled T-Bone Steak

To make the roux, in a small pan heat about 2 to 3 tbsp. of oil then mix in the flour. Stir cook at low heat for 5 to 10 minutes or until fully blended and it turns to brown if color. Keep aside.

To broil the steak, dash the steak with salt and pepper, keep aside. Heat a medium size frying pan at high heat, add in the butter, when the butter starts melt put the steak and broil for 5 to 8 minutes each side. When done transfer to a platter cover with aluminium foil and let rest for 5 to 8 minutes or until you’re done with the gravy.

To make the mushroom gravy, Heat the same frying pan with all the butter and steak residue, add in the garlic and stir cook for about a minute now add in the onion and parsley, stir cook for another minute. Add in the mushroom and continue to stir cook for 1 to 2 minutes. Add in the roux, sour cream and milk, stir until fully blended and let simmer for 2 to 3 minutes, season with salt to taste. Add more milk to correct the sauce consistency if required.

To serve, remove the aluminium cover of the steak on the platter, pour and mixed any dripping that have accumulated to the gravy. Place on the side of the steak the broiled vegetables and massed potato or rice. Pour over the mushroom gravy on top of the steak and mashed potato or rice and serve.


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