Overseas Pinoy Cooking 2009 Year End Round Up

Overseas Pinoy Cooking is now about two years and six months and it’s now time we make the year end round up.

The site has grown steadily with regards to visitor and page views traffic. The site page rank has now reached PR4 in a short span of time. This has happened because of your continued support, thank you.

The placement of navigation dropdown tabs above the header and search by categories widgets at the sidebar has made the site lay out simpler and more users friendly with regards to ease of finding recipes from the archives, there are now about 350 recipe posts to date.

Almost all Pinoy foods have been featured including other alternate versions of some of the more popular dishes. For the year ahead you will continue to expect other versions of recipes that are already on the archives.

Now its time to thank once again all my readers and visitors, especially those who have left comments.

Happy New Year to one and all!


  1. Thanks to you!

    Thanks for putting up a REAL Pinoy Cooking website!
    Happy New Year!!!


  2. It's my pleasure Vic, Happy New Year!

  3. Thank you so much. I have learned how to cook because of you, I never knew I had it within me :) Your recipes are easily to follow. You have been so helpful to me. Have a blessed New Year!

  4. Thanks for all the wonderful recipes...Goodluck on your new assignment.Gt-Tx


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