Ginisang Labanos

Ginisang Labanos
Ginisang Labanos. Labanos or radish is a vegetable maybe not love by everyone. I would not say it’s an acquired taste since Pinoy have been using labanos as one of the vegetables of sinigang be it fish and seafood or meat. It is also readily available even here in Abu Dhabi. My personal favorite labanos dish is ensaladang labanos a salad preparation that is popular in the Ilocos region. Labanos are also good as ginisa dish with some strips of pork and small shrimps, now you have a great alternative way of cooking the vegetables. I would suggest that it is served as a side dish for your fried fish or it could be a dish in its own especially with all those added pork strips and shrimp. Here is how I cooked it.


2 cups pork, parboiled cut into short strips
2 cups small size shrimp
4 medium size labanos, radish cut into strips
1 medium size carrot, cut into strips
1/2 head garlic, chopped
1 medium size onion, chopped
1 big size tomato, chopped
1/4 cup patis
vegetable oil

Cooking procedure:

Ginisang Labanos - Cooking Procedure

Wash shrimp thoroughly and drain. Remove head, peel off shell and tail of each shrimp. Set aside head, shell and tail. Slice each shrimp at the back and remove intestine. Using pestle and mortar pound shrimp head, shell and tail to extract juices, dilute in 1 cup of warm water. Pass thru a sieve to separate shells from the juice. Set aside shrimp juice. In a sauce pan, sauté garlic, onion and tomato. Add pork and shrimp, stir fry for 1-2 minutes. Add in patis and shrimp juice cook for another 2-3 minutes. Add labanos and carrot and cook for 5-8 minutes or until the vegetables are just cooked. Correct saltiness if required. Serve hot.


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