Overseas Pinoy Cooking 2008 Year End Round Up

Another year has passed and it’s now time we make round ups on what we had last year. Overseas Pinoy Cooking is now about one year and six months. The site has been growing steadily with regards to visitor and page views traffic. The site page rank is also more than good enough,

There are about 115 posts last year, I have tried to maintain at least 3 recipe post every week. Post distribution as per categories as follows; Recipe 94 posts, Food Trip 4 posts, Food Find 1 post and Pinoy Food Glossary 6 posts.

New categories has been added to the site, Food Find – These category are for foods that I stumbled upon and find unique; Food Glossary – These are the list of various vocabulary of Pinoy cuisine, foods, ingredients, herbs, spices ect. that I’m compiling and building. I have also included a special category for recipe ideas for the holiday season called Celebration's Recipe, these are recipe suggestion for the Noche Buena and Media Noche.

I have already written post of most Pinoy foods so for the year ahead you will be expecting other versions of recipes that are already on the archives. In addition I will try to post also popular regional recipes from other parts of the country. And for the Pinoy food glossaries that I am building I will post new glossary in time when I could collect enough data.

Now its time to thank again all my readers and visitors, especially those who have left comments. Once again Happy New Year to all!


  1. Happy New Year! Great blog! Here's a fun cooking contest you might be interested in joining:


  2. Thanks a lot for sharing all your recipes. What I like best about this blog is that all ingredients and instructions are easy to find and follow.

    Bilang isang bagong asawa at mommy, I find this blog really really realy helpful.

    Thank you and More Power!


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