Pansit Miki Guisado

Pansit Miki Gisado
Pansit Miki Gisado. Often times flat egg noodles are hard to find at most Metro Manila supermarket. For some reason noodle racks of these supermarkets are overfilled with canton and bihon noodles, it seems that Metro Manila dwellers are only able to cook these two types of noodles, pansit canton or pansit bihon that’s why other types of noodles are most of the time are not available.

When ever I want to have or to cook noodles other than bihon or canton I have to visit the supermarkets that cater to the well-to-do families. On these groceries most likely you could find varieties of noodles both imported and local.

On this recipe I needed a flat miki noodles, it is basically a flat egg noodles. I used a similar Vietnamese egg noodles called mi trung, they are packed in balls at 500g a bag. It doesn’t matter what brand it is if this noodle is not available at your location, any flat noodle would do you could also use the Vigan miki noodles. Of course cooking times is adjusted accordingly with respect to the kind of egg noodles used.


Pansit Miki Gisado - Egg Noddles  

1 kilo miki noodles
150 g. chicken thighs, boiled, cut into thin slices
150 g. pork, boiled, cut into thin slices
6-8 cups stock from boiling the pork and chicken
100 g. medium size shrimp, shelled
1 small size carrot, cut into thin slices
2 cups mung bean sprouts, togue, trimmed
1 cup green beans, cut diagonally
2-3 stalk spring onions, chopped
1 medium size onion, chopped
1/2 head garlic, chopped
1/4 cup soy sauce salt and pepper
cooking oil

Cooking procedure:

Pansit Miki Gisado - Cooking Procedure

In a large wok, sauté onion and garlic. Add pork, chicken and shrimp stir for 2-3 minutes, add soy sauce and stir cook for another 2-3 minutes. Add 6-8 c. of stock, let boil and simmer for 3-5 minutes. Add in miki noodles, green beans and carrot, stir cook for 5-8 minutes or until noodles are soft and have absorb most of the broth add more stock if necessary. Add the togue and stir cook for another 2-3 minutes. Season with salt and pepper to taste, garnish with spring onions. Serve hot.


  1. I used to revel at the variety of noodles carried by the grocery of Market! Market! But since I transfered to Cavite I found these dried, flat egg noodles at the public market called pancit molo, very similar in appearance to what you used. It's very tasty I love it, and I always use it in soups or stir-fried noodles, either on its own or mixed with bihon or sotanghon.

  2. Hi kai, When ever I visit Market! Market! I make it a point to pass by at one of the kiosk located at Fiesta Street to purchase my Vigan miki noodles. There are kiosks of delicacies for every Philippine region.

  3. so fantastic menus. we really njoy reading your recipes. more power.... fr. tare family in Khobar, ksa.


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