Beef Tripe Kare-Kare

Kare-Kare, Beef Tripe
Kare-Kare is one of the best seller in Filipino restaurant. When ever I and the family dine out, kare-kare is always on the ordered list. The best kare-kare, and our favorite is beef tripe kare-kare with a lot of vegetables. Several months back I already made a post on kare-kareng buntot ng baka. Click here to see that post. Today I am sharing a recipe of kare-kare using beef tripe.

Beef Tripe Kare-Kare

On this recipe I used beef tripe bought from the supermarket, already pre-cleaned. If you have to buy your tripe at wet markets or meat markets I would recommend that you par-boil the tripe with crushed ginger for 10 to 15 minutes to rid off the unpleasant smell.

Beef Tripe Kare-Kare

The tripe should be tender and still chewy to achieve this, the tripe should be boiled for at least 1 1/2 hours. Or cooked in a pressure cooker for at least 30 to 45 minutes.


Banana Bud

1/2 k. beef tripe, cut 1”x2” rectangle
3 medium size eggplant, slice diagonally
1 small size banana bud, quartered and cut diagonaly
1 bundle sitaw, cut into 2" long
1 bundle pechay
1/2 head garlic, chopped
2 large size onion, chopped
1 packet Mama Sita Kare-kare mix
cooking oil
ginisang bagoong alamang

Cooking procedure:

Kare-Kare, Beef Tripe - Cooking Procedure

In a casserole put beef tripe, add enough water to cover, bring to a boil. Lower heat and simmer for 1 to 2 hours or until tender, add more water as necessary. Remove all scum that rises to the surface. Remove tripes from casserole let cool, set aside broth. In a sauce pan, sauté garlic and onion. Add in tripe, stir cook for 3 to 5 minutes then pour in 3 to 4 cups of stock and simmer for another 3 to 5 minutes. Add kare-kare mix diluted in 1 cup of stock and the banana bud and simmer for 3 to 5 minutes and until sauce thickens, then add all the other vegetables. Cook for another 3 to 5 minutes or until vegetable are just cooked. Serve hot with ginisang bagoong alamang.


  1. Everytime we eat out kare-kare is always ordered by my husband, because I can't cook it properly at home, hehe.

  2. Hi Kai, I just used sauce mixes they are convenient, now all I have to worry is cooking the tripe, tail, hocks or any other meat cuts to right tenderness. I do admit at times it won’t turn out the way I wanted it for some reason.

  3. I am in Zambia, Africa and they don't have here bagoong alamang unless i ordered from the Philippines or whenever there is someone i can ask to buy. Do you think there is an alternative that i can use?



  4. Hi Anonymous from Zambia, I don’t have any idea what is the alternative for bagoong alamang if any. Perhaps you can make them yourself if krill or small shrimp are available there.

  5. Thanks for sharing the recipe! I have been wanting to cook some beef tripe, but didn't have the recipe. Now I have it and I will definitely cook some! :)

  6. Kabayans in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates...for KARE-KARE, the best is that of Philippine House Restaurant. Philippine House Restaurant is not just a's a home away from home.

  7. hi i want to tahnk you for all this helpful information it is jsut now that i had the courage to cook something that looks complicated and thanks to you i get all these compliments for my cooking. i would always call my mom long distance for instructions fortunately i came across this site.

  8. this is is my favorite!! Thank so much for the recipe! All of my friends are mostly mexican and they ask me to cook for them co'z they like it so much!!!

  9. Hi!

    Your kare kare looks really delicious!

    I'm collecting a list of the best kare kare recipes in my blog, and I included your kare kare recipe (just a link though, hope you don't mind). You can see it at

    Keep in touch!

  10. Thanks Tanya,
    Sure I make the visit..

  11. looks soooo good im gonna try this next time :)

  12. hi gud day,ask ko lang kung anong part ng banana bud ang niluluto?kasama ba lahat o yun lang nasa loob nito.thanks and sana makagawa ka rin ng ibat-ibang uri ng salad kagaya ng ceasars salad.

  13. Hi, balatan or tangalin lang yong matigas na talukap hangan ang matira ay medyo maputi na ang kulay then quarted, gawin mulang ito pag ilalagay na sa cooking pan dahil magingitim sya pag naexpose sa air.

  14. sana marami pa aqng matutunang lutuin....preparation for the future..thank you
    for the recipe

  15. Yummmmmyyyy bro. ut-man. I added 1/2 cup creamy peanut butter also to make it more creamier. I also want to share our FROG KARE-KARE recipe to you and your fans. I don't know the origin of this recipe, but I was in Benguet(Baguio) Rice fields with indigenous and very friendly farmers, where I tasted this rice field frog Kare kare, and I was surprised for it taste SO GOOD.

    12 frogs(from rice fields)
    2 tbsps. lard
    1 tsp. minced garlic
    1/2 cup chopped onion
    1 cup jarabilla(Bataw or Lablab Beans)
    2 eggplants, sliced diagonally
    1 bundle sitaw, cut 2" long
    1 tsp. salt/pepper mix
    1 cup achuete(1 tbspn Annato powder mix with 1 cup water)
    1/4 cup ground peanut (or 1/2 cup peanut butter)

    Saute' garlic, onions and tomatoes. Add frogs, disjointed. or with extremities folded neatly to keep a rounded form. Cook 2 minutes or more until frog meats is cooked and tender. Add achuete(strained) or Annato-water mixture and bring to a boil. Add vegetables. Cover and cook 5 minutes longer. Season with salt-pepper mix, using black pepper freshly ground. Thicken with ground peanuts or 2 tbspn. peanut butter. Serve with rice.

    P.S. Bro. Ut-man, Try this recipe...and please let me know what you think and what other ingredient/s I missed. Thanks again.

  16. Hi Bro,
    Wow this one is cool, I will definitely try it as soon as I can find some frog to cook. Thanks for sharing.


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