Sinaing na Isda, Sinaing na Tuna

Sinaing na Isda, Sinaing na Tuna , I bought this 1 1/4 kilo size yellow fin tuna it is just the right size for a sinaing na isda for our dinner. It is a dish famous in Batangas. The fish is slowly cooked in kamias and pork fat. The most common fish used with sinaing is tulingan, there are other fish that are good for this recipe, and the choice of fish is up to what ever available or to one’s preference. Here is my version of sinaing na isda. Ingredients: 1 k. small tuna 1 small pc. pork fat 1 thumb size ginger cut into thin slices 1 medium size onion, quartered 15 pcs. kamias, trimed 3 whole green sili 2 stalked leeks, cut into 2” length, optinal salt Cooking procedure: Remove gills and innards of tuna. Using scissors cut fins and tails. Wash fish thoroughly drain and slice diagonally. In a casserole put, pork fat, onion, ginger and kamias at the bottom. Arrange sliced fish side by side, add enough water to cover fish, Season with salt. Cover and simmer in low heat f...