Chicken Sopas

Chicken Sopas
Sopas is served for breakfast and merienda. It is one of the dishes I regularly cook when ever I feel I have to skip a heavy meal. On this recipe I use mixed vegetables instead of fresh and other ingredients that are available in the refrigerator and cupboard.

Chicken Sopas Recipe


3 c. macaroni
100 g. chicken gizzard and liver, diced
250 g. chicken meat, diced
3 regular hotdog, sliced crosswise
2 c. mixed vegetables
1/2 head garlic, minced
1 medium size onion, chopped
3-5 stalk wansoy, chopped
1/4 c. patis
1/4 c. evaporated milk
cooking oil
Salt and pepper

Chicken Sopas Dish

Cooking procedure:

In a casserole boil chicken meat, gizzard and liver until tender. Remove chicken from casserole set aside broth, Dice chicken meat, gizzard and liver. In same casserole sauté garlic, onion, add chicken meat, gizzard and liver stir cook for 2 to 5 minutes. Add patis stir cook for another 1 to 3 minutes and 15 cups broth, let boil. Add the macaroni and simmer for 30 to 45 minutes or until soft and tender. Add hotdog and mixed vegetables and simmer for another 3 to 5 minutes, then add wansoy. Season with salt and pepper. Add the evaporated milk and cook for another 2 to 5 minutes. Serve immediately.


  1. to the editor:

    1 c. patis??

    isn't it too much sir :)

  2. Yes you are right, should be about 1/4 cup, thanks already rectified.

  3. what is stalk wansoy?

  4. Chinese parsley or kinchay

  5. What does mixed vegetables mean? canned mix vegetables?

  6. Its a frozen mixed vegetable. Usual a mixture of peas, corns, cubed carrots and chopped beans.

  7. How many serving s does this make?

  8. but the macaroni can be cooked in 12 minutes right? isn't it better to cook it separately then drain and put it after you sauteed the ingredients? Is it possible? thanks -it's Diamond

  9. Yes you can cook the macaroni separately and cook al dente, but i wanted the broth to be infused to the macaroni. The reason for the longer cooking time is we Pinoys want the pasta soft that it literally melts on our mouth.


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