Tagaytay Bulalo Food Trip

Bulalo at Mahogany Market
Tagaytay Bulalo Food Trip. I have lost time counting how many times that the family have been going to Tagaytay, but this last visit was the first time that we paid a visit to the famous Tagaytay’s wet market the Mahogany Market. Mahogany Market is well known for their cheap fresh beef meat and of course bulalo. I have finally visited the place to purchase some beef meat and bulalo which I will be posting soon on OPC.

Tagaytay Bulalo

Fresh Tagaytay Beef

Mahogany Market is also known for its Bulalo Stalls/Carideria that are being frequented by bulalo lovers both local and foreign tourist. That was a best the change to try them first hand since the weather was extremely cool during the visit, it was on the month of January this year and that would be the best time to have a piping hot bulalo soup carinderia style. The bulalo stalls also offers a wide choices of Pinoy food including the crispy fried tawilis which are abundant in Taal Lake. Just a warning though, if you are not a fan of smelly wet market and carinderia food this place is really not for you.

Mahogany Wet Market

Mahogany Market Bulalo Stalls/Carinderia

As a side trip of our Tagaytay Bulalo Food Trip we also visited the recently opened Sky Ranch. Visiting Tagaytay on Holiday Season is just not advisable we ended up staying on the roads most of the day, that was the worst ever traffic that I have experienced in Tagaytay. Vehicles are just not moving mainly because of the huge number of tourist that go to Tagaytay and being aggravated by the lack of discipline some of the Pinoy drivers, never the less even though we ended up visiting only the Mahogany Market and Sky Ranch because of the heavy traffic it, is still a trip worth remembering.

Tagaytay Sky Ranch - Sky Eye

Tagaytay Sky Ranch - Horse Back Riding

Mahogany Market is located along Mahogany Avenue, from Tagaytay Rotonda turn right if you are coming from Aguinaldo H-way or straight if you have come from Sta. Rosa just follow the road going to Nasugbu, Batangas and when you reach the Y-road intersection at the Petron petrol station take the right road or Mahogany Avenue and just follow the road and continue to drive for about 1 3/4 kilometers, at your right is the Mahogany Market. The place is also along the route of Nasugbu bound buses from Manila.


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