Paksiw na Lechon

Paksiw na Lechon
Paksiw na Lechon. Should you happen to have a lot of leftover lechon baboy, which I doubt it, here is an easy cooking method for paksiw na lechon. The procedure is dead easy just throw in everything in a saucepan and let cook until the meat literally start to fall apart. This recipe does not require any sautéing, we are cooking paksiw na lechon here not guinisa. You cannot go wrong with this recipe as long as you used bottled all-purpose lechon sauce.

Paksiw na Lechon Recipe

However if your leftover lechon baboy comes with a leftover sauce that was made together with the lechon itself then I would advise to adjust the amount of vinegar and sugar. You might also need to correct the saltiness. Here is the simple recipe of my paksiw na lechon, enjoy.


1/2 kilo leftover lechon
1 cup lechon sauce
1/2 head garlic, crushed
1/4 cup vinegar
1/2 -1 tbsp. sugar
2 to 3 tbsp. soy sauce
2-3 pcs. bay leaf
1/2 tsp. peppercorns

Cooking procedure:

Paksiw na Lechon - Cooking Procedure

In sauce pan place the left over lechon and add in the vinegar, soy sauce, garlic, peppercorns and bay leaf. Add in enough water up to an inch above the meat. Bring to a boil and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes or until the meat start to fall apart, add more water as necessary then simmer til the liquid is reduced to about half. Add in the sugar and lechon sauce and continue to cook at low heat for about 1 to 2 minutes. Serve with rice.


  1. Great tasting yet simple formula for recycling leftover meats.

  2. I tried this with smoked turkey. It turned out pretty good. Thanks for this post. My kids loved it.


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