Pinoy Spaghetti

Pinoy Spaghetti
Pinoy Spaghetti, have you wondered why our spaghetti is totally different with the Italian spaghetti or any other spaghetti. It is sweet and with a tinge of spiciness. It has something to do with our love of sweet foods, especially with food cooked in tomato sauce.

Pinoy Sweet Spaghetti

Pinoy spaghetti has come to be love by our kids. And of course every kids birthday celebration there will always be the sweet Pinoy spaghetti. Here is my version.


1 k. spaghetti, cooked
1/2 k. ground beef
1/2 k. ground pork
6 regular hotdog, sliced
6 sliced ham, cut into 1/2” square
4 c. Filipino style tomato sauce
2 medium size onion, finely chopped
1 medium size carrot, finely chopped
2 stalk celery, finely chopped
2 pcs. red and green bell pepper, finely chopped
1 big can button mushroom, finely chopped
1/2 c. pickled relish
1/4 c. soy sauce
1/2 c. corn starch
1/4 c. sugar
1-2 tbsp. chilli sauce
salt and pepper
grated cheese
cooking oil

Pinoy Spaghetti Recipe

Cooking procedure:

In a large sauce pan sauté onion, ground beef and pork, cook over high heat until meat turn to golden brown. Add in hotdog, ham, soy sauce and tomato sauce, chilli sauce, stir cook for 2 to 3 minutes. Add sugar, bell pepper, carrot, celery, mushroom and pickled relish. Pour in about 4 cups of water and bring to a boil. Cover and simmer for 5 to 10 minutes. Thicken sauce with cornstarch diluted in 1/2 cup of water, cook for another minute. Season with salt and pepper. Add in cooked spaghetti and stir cook for 2 to 3 minutes or until sauce is infused to the spaghetti. Serve with grated cheese garnish.


  1. When I cook this type of spaghetti (where we mix the pasta and sauce), I try to make the sauce a little more watery than usual because after some time that the pasta is sitting in the sauce, it will absorb some of the moisture, leaving it at perfect consistency in a few hours. Once, i tried mixing a rich sauce on some pasta; it was cooked at lunch time and by dinner time before serving it, it was so dry.

  2. Hi joceph, I agree the best, do not mix in the sauce until ready to serve. Thanks for the helpful tip and advice…

  3. I love spaghetti. Yours looks very delicious. Thanks for sharing. -Angela

  4. It's my pleasure Angela...

  5. Thanks for sharing this recipe. Does tomato paste anything to do with spaghetti sauces?

    Rita Tangpuz

  6. Hi Rita,
    Yes you can also use tomato paste instead of tomato sauce, just remember that tomato paste is more concentrated.

  7. wow perfect..,thanks for sharing but can i use spaghetti sauce in filipino style instead of tomato sauce? ruth luna

  8. now we all know that the spaghetti of pinoy is the best among the rest.

  9. @ Eljen Palomar,
    Thanks for the visit


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